Buying Advice
for Sailboats and Motorboats
If you intend to purchase a boat or a yacht, whether new or used, we are happy to offer our expertise as competent advisors. Especially when it comes to used vessels from private sellers, determining the actual value is essential. Depending on the condition of the yacht or boat, various factors are inspected, tested, or otherwise verified. From visual inspections to acoustic testing such as tapping, video endoscopy and ultrasound for material thickness measurement, dye penetration testing to detect cracks, as well as wave impact measurements and many other examinations, the object of your interest will be thoroughly assessed by us. Even if a ship has a very high value, it does not necessarily mean that the seller's price expectation can be realistically enforced in the market. Furthermore, the condition of the ship in general, its equipment, and the functionality of its devices are relevant for determining its value. A glance at the boat price guide alone provides estimates of the yacht's value. If we discover minor, repairable damages, the effort required for the buyer may be minimal. Nevertheless, such deficiencies can significantly reduce the purchase price. As you can see, before making a final decision to buy a boat or a yacht, it is advisable to consult an expert. This is the only way to ensure that you are protected from any unpleasant surprises. The same assessments are also carried out if you want to sell your ship.